Student information
Here you can find more information about accommodation and social integration.
Do you need accommodation while studying at EAG?

Do you need accommodation while studying at English Access Gauteng?
Staff at English Access will assist students to get accommodation close to the centre.
We offer a choice of:
- Homestay / Host Families
- Sharing Apartments or Student Commune
- Individual Apartment
Please note: Accommodation is billed separately. Accommodation costs are not part of the course fee.
Social Integration
You are not alone, and we are here to make sure of that.
Studying in a new city such as Johannesburg can be very daunting and intimidating for a new learner.
At English Access Gauteng we make you part of the family from day one. During the first 15 days after your arrival, we assist our students with essential information and tips to help you get by and find you way around.
We help with the following:
Opening a bank account
Getting a local cell phone number
How to catch a bus or a taxi
Where to shop at affordable prices
Nearest Medical Centres
Nearest sport and entertainment centres
and much more!
Register Today!
There is no minimum admission requirement. Learners ranging in proficiency from absolute beginners to fairly proficient will be admitted to the programme. All applicants are required to write a placement test to assess their level of English proficiency before lessons can start.
Contact Details
Landline: +27 11 883 0873
WhatsApp: +27 68 584 4187
Privacy and Ts & Cs
Visit our link to see privacy and Terms and Conditions
Field & Study Centre, 14th Street Louise Avenue, Parkmore Center, Sandton
Why Trust us
Our classes are based on the internationally recognized Headway books from Oxford University Press. The programme is divided into six levels of English proficiency, namely Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate and Advanced.