Over the last few months, the world has changed beyond our imagination. The COVID 19 crisis caused lockdowns, the closure of schools, restaurants and shops, and worldwide travel restrictions are in place. Our living space had drastically reduced, and we are facing unknown and new challenges in our lives.

At the same time, this situation also allows us to reflect on what is important in life and to focus with positive energy on the future that lies ahead.

If one thing is certain during these uncertain times, it is that learning continues. This is the ideal moment to use our time wisely and to make the best of the situation. Let’s create opportunities out of these challenging times and shape our future!

At English Access Gauteng, we accepted the challenge, we got involved and we learned. Ever since the beginning of the lockdown in South Africa, we offer online English lessons to our students. Some of them remained in South Africa, some went back to their home countries, but via the digital tools and technology they join the classes, keep in touch with each other and continue learning.

At English Access Gauteng, we use Zoom for our online classes. It is an easy tool to use and it can be downloaded on either PC, Mac, Android, or iOS. This tool makes face-to-face learning possible in real-time! The teachers are leading the classes, ensure contact with all students, and inspire and motivate the students just as during in-classroom learning.

Students who register for the online classes will be contacted by us and the process of accessing zoom is explained to all. It is easy and all you need it a computer, an email or Facebook account, and an internet connection.

Register now for our next online course with expert teachers based in South Africa by sending a mail to info@englishaccess.co.za or by contacting us on +27 83 386 2489.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon in one of our online classes. Please stay safe and keep well!